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Cancer Free!!!

I'm cancer-free!!!!! It's been such a journey, one I never expected to take but I know I'm a better person for having traveled it. When my doctor said, "you're cancer-free" it took a moment for me to take it in. She said it a couple of times, I repeated it after her. I had every intention of beating cancer but I hadn't thought about what it would feel like to hear those words. I was focused on getting through each day. It feels like a humble victory. Cancer can wreak havoc and I've seen the range of its severity in waiting rooms at Roswell. It's not the opponent to underestimate but it can be defeated. As excited as I am, if I'm honest, I'm still a little scared. I pray that cancer is completely behind me and I'll never have to revisit this journey in any form again. I think they'll always be that residual "what if" in the back of my mind. It's a real thing but I won't give it more power than it deserves. The victory is mine and in turn, I want to live my life to the fullest. I'm getting back to me but better.

I've been back at work a little over a month and the warm and genuine welcome from my teammates upon my return was heartfelt. I'm fortunate to work with good people and their support has been awesome. I was given the space to make the transition, still stressful but there was grace and understanding.

Occasionally, my body will remind me that I'm still in recovery and I need to rest. I listen to my body. I made it through the toughest battle of my life so far, which has tremendously boosted my trust in God and my confidence. I feel like I can do anything and I'm determined to build the life I want, one that my family and I deserve. God has given me a second chance. Nothing will be wasted from this experience. Millions didn't make it and I'm blessed to be one of the ones that did. I dare not take that for granted. I'll continue to share and blog. This blog has helped me process every step of the journey. My prayer is that people reading it will be inclined to become more informed and proactive in their health. Awareness also helps promote empathy and understanding for those on this path.

I know that everyone doesn't have that same kind of support or resources and that's a problem. No matter who you are or where you live, everyone should have the resources they need to get healthy. I'm fortunate to have a village that poured into me and my family during this journey. I can't save the world but I can give back from a place of love.

One of the ways I plan to do this is through service. I've been selected to serve on the board of directors for Our Curls Inc. a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing women of color fighting cancer with ethnic beauty care and lifestyle resources. Communities of color tend to be under-resourced, underinsured, and underrepresented in many necessary service areas. Our curls Inc. wants to help change that by providing services that include but aren't limited to providing ethnic wigs for women of color, makeovers, support groups, family activities, community resources, and referrals. To read more about Our curls mission, visit the website I look forward to working alongside these wonderful women to do some amazing things for the community.

If my blog has helped you in any way, let me know. Please like and share thanks for your time and attention 😊💪🏾🎀

1 Comment

Stephanie Williams
Stephanie Williams
Jul 18, 2021

Tears of joy!!!


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